Why join CSHT?

The aim of CSHT is to enhance hand therapy practice among its members through education and information sharing.

Benefits of becoming a member

Membership Category Fee Eligibility Privileges Exceptions
Canadian Member $75.00 Canadian - Any Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist who is registered to work in Canada
- Any Retired Canadian Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist
- Any Academic, Educator or Researcher who holds an appointment with a Canadian University program in Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, and or Hand Rehabilitation.
- Any Canadian Member may vote at the Annual General Meeting, vote in the election of officers of the Society, hold elected office and participate on or chair committees of the Society.
- Any Canadian Member May serve as a Regional Representative at the discretion of the Executive Committee
International Member $85.00 Canadian - Any Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist who is registered to work in a country other than Canada.
- Any Academic, Educator or Researcher who holds an appointment with a University program in Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, and or Hand Rehabilitation outside of Canada.
- Any International Member may vote at the Annual General Meeting and vote in the election of officers of the Society.
- Any International Member may serve as the International Regional Representative at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
International Members may not hold elected office or chair a committee. Membership on any CSHT committees or working groups is at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
Lifetime Member Nil An honor awarded to individuals who are members of the Society in recognition of career-long contributions to CSHT and/or the field of hand rehabilitation in Canada. Any member may vote at the Annual General Meeting, vote in the election of officers of the Society, hold elected office and participate on or chair committees of the Society. None
Affiliate Professional Member $85.00 Canadian Any health professional who is registered to work in Canada or a country other than Canada and whose work centres on upper extremity function and rehabilitation.
Any academic, educator or researcher who holds an appointment with a University program that focuses on upper extremity function and rehabilitation within or outside of Canada.
Any affiliate professional member may vote at the annual general meeting and vote in the election of officers of the society. Affiliate professional members may not hold elected office or chair a committee.
Membership on any CSHT committees or working groups is at the discretion of the Executive committee.
Student Member $50.00 Canadian Open to students enrolled full-time in an entry-level Occupational Therapy or Physiotherapy Masters program, or who are full-time students in a post-professional doctoral program in Canada or internationally. Student membership may help for a maximum of 2 years. Student Members may not hold elected office or chair a committee of the Society.Student Membership on any CSHT committees or working groups is at the discretion of the Executive Committee None

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