CSHT Mission Statement

We are a group of occupational and physical therapists with a special interest in the rehabilitation of the upper extremity. We are dedicated to the enhancement of upper extremity rehabilitation within Canada through the promotion of quality of care, education and information sharing.

CSHT Goals

Communication & Promotion

CSHT executive will facilitate timely and consistent communication between and among members, and enhance the profile of CSHT within the hand therapy community and the general public.

  1. Maintain an updated active membership list and membership profile.
  2. Profile consenting members to use as a resource bank of information/experiences.
  3. Maintain a high level of membership through recruitment and retention to CSHT.
  4. Seek membership input regarding CSHT direction.
  5. Publish an enhanced newsletter that will be emailed to members 3-4x/year
  6. Re-activate the use of Regional Representatives.
  7. Redesign and maintain the CSHT website that is efficient, informative, uses current technology, and is user friendly.
  8. Explore other media outlets to expand current membership needs.
  9. Develop and maintain a relationship between CSHT and: MANUS, ASHT, and Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons.
  10. Initiate and develop marketing materials for use by the membership.


Executive Administrative Organization

CSHT executive will strive for efficient and formalized procedures within the organization.

  1. Expand and update the responsibilities of the Executive and Regional Representative positions to reflect evolution of roles.
  2. Create a smooth membership registration process utilizing and encouraging on-line transaction process.
  3. Update registration application to ensure information requested meets the needs of CSHT and its membership.
  4. Provide access and education to the membership related to the By-laws and CSHT procedures.
  5. Establish processes to ensure the transfer of duties between the outgoing and incoming executive groups is efficient and transparent.



CSHT executive will promote awareness for members to access high quality educational opportunities related to practice in hand and upper extremity rehabilitation.

  1. Organize/assist with planning of an annual conference.
  2. Seek feedback from membership about educational needs.
  3. Facilitate access to hand and upper extremity educational opportunities for CSHT members.


Financial Accountability

CSHT executive will demonstrate fiscal responsibility with well documented processes for financial operations.

  1. Provide transparency in financial operations
  2. Develop and maintain an annual budget.
  3. Develop a plan for regular audit of finances.
  4. Review membership fees annually.
  5. Develop/update guidelines for reimbursement of executive expenditures.
  6. Initiate and implement plan for financial investments
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