What is CSHT?

We are a group of occupational and physical therapists with a special interest in the rehabilitation of the upper extremity.

We are dedicated to the enhancement of upper extremity rehabilitation within Canada through the promotion of quality of care, education and information sharing.

Accessing the Journal of Hand Therapy

As a Member of CSHT you have access to the Journal of Hand Therapy, however, the access method has changed slightly.

Visit the CSHT Member Home page to learn how to access the Journal of Hand Therapy; login is required.

Journal of Hand Therapy

Newsletter Sneak Peek

Winter 2025 In Hand Newsletter

Splinting Corner: Static Progressive Carpo-metacarpal (CMC)/First Web Space Splint
A Static progressive splint is used to address joint and soft tissue contractures. This splint was designed for gentle stretch/gradual and controlled elongation to the first web space/CMC joint to improve CMC extension, radial and palmar abduction. It includes the base of the splint for stability and attachment of the guitar peg and outrigger. The outrigger is required to create a right angle for correct rotational force.
Read More (members only)

*This is a short snippet from the CSHT In Hand newsletter that is published online quarterly for CSHT members. If you would like to access the full newsletters please consider becoming a member of CSHT. All newsletters are available in the member's only section.

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